When did the Child Care Center open

The Center opened in May of 1991 and is open year-round excluding holidays.

What ages are accepted

Care is provided for children 8 weeks to 5 years of age. 

Does MCC accept families from the Community

Yes. MCC reserves a percentage of their slots for community children.

How much does child care cost

Rates vary depending on amount of usage and child's age (see fee schedule). Students need only commit to one semester (16 weeks) at time subsidies are available through Monroe County Department of Social Services and SUNY Block Grant.

Can the Center accommodate my schedule

Parents may choose to sign up their children for as little as two days per week up to five full days. It is the Center's goal to meet the parents' child care need so students can focus on their academic goals.

The center is open 50 weeks per year.

Is the Center DSS approved

Yes, the Richard M. Guon Child Care Center has been certified by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Learn more about our accreditation.

What hours is the Center open

Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

On the northwest corner of the MCC campus near parking lot D. There is easy access to Building 4.

We offer a nurturing and educationally stimulating program. All children will be involved with music, art, gym, stories, and activities involving shapes, colors, counting, etc. Children in the Center have the opportunity to participate in cooking activities, solve puzzles, build with blocks, work on computers, and enjoy a variety of other activities. A major emphasis is placed on cooperation, turn taking, and problem solving.

All lead teachers in our Center have a degree - associates or bachelors - in early childhood education or related field or a CDA, and have had experience working with young children. To assist the teachers, caregivers with previous experience will be working with the children. The entire staff is required to have yearly physical examinations and also are cleared for child abuse and criminal conviction. They also undergone reference checks. Monthly staff in-service training programs are provided. All full time staff are certified in CPR.

What materials will be in my child's classroom

Each classroom, with the exception of the Infant Rooms, will have blocks, puzzles, doll corner furniture, easels, art materials, indoor climbing equipment, games, manipulatives, puppets, and dress-up clothes. Every room including Infants Rooms will have books, records, tapes, and a variety of age-related toys. Preschool classrooms have computers.

Can my child take a nap at the Center

Yes, rest periods will be built into each room's daily schedule. Infants have cribs to sleep in and older children are provided with cots. Blanket will be brought from home, along with a sleeping toy, if desired.

Will meals be provided for my child

Breakfast is offered at 9 a.m. A well-balanced lunch will be provided around noon. There is also an afternoon snack scheduled at 3 p.m.

Yes, the Center is equipped with three large fenced-in play yards with plenty of age-appropriate playground equipment. Children will go out daily, barring inclement weather.

Who operates the Center

The Center is operated through the Monroe Community College Association, Inc., with the Director of the Center reporting to the Director of the Student Center. The Child Care Director has a master's degree in education with a considerable amount of experience in teaching and administration.

When can I see the Center

Tours are offered on Monday through Friday, between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

How can I place my child on the waiting list

You should come to the Child Care Center business office to fill out a waiting list form. We will make every effort to place your child in our program as soon as possible. Waiting list forms can also be filled out online.